I think the movie Crash ca tell us very clerly, and it explains good the american culture. The movie shows that the American culture has a very big different between lower class and upper class, compared to here in Norway. Because the country is so large, the different between rich and poor gets very big. In a large country, with a big population it is mutch more difficult to get help, and to get out of the poor life, and the bad living conditions.
As we saw in the movie, the rich couple reacted with fear, just when she saw the two black boys, who came from a lower class. I think the movie shows how the people that have more oppertunities and lives a better life, don't show as mutch respect that they could. That we are going to judge people out from how they look, or how they live is very sad. I think Crash showed that mutch more criminality is happenig then we actually know about, and also black and white people comitts criminality. But as we saw, criminality happens mutch more often in poor and bad living conditions, maybe because of all the prejudices we have againnst eachother. But in all i think the movie really gave a good description of how the american culture is, and the how people are in lower, upper, and middle class, and witch consequenses it could get.
Patrick Süskind - Perfume
for 14 år siden