The movie Bowling for Columbie is a documentary that is mainly based on the massacre at Columbine high school. Thirsday, 20.april 1991, the two boys Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold met before school to play a round of bowling. After they had been bowling they went to school armed. They started shooting around, and they killed 12 students, and one teacher, and in the end they killed themselves.
Michael Moore who is the director of the movie, is making a documentary, where he is trying to describe the gun culture, and find an explination of why the murder rate with guns is so high in USA. The number killed with guns, is extremly mutch higher in USA, with 11.000 killed by guns, compared to any other country. In the neigbhour country Canada, there are 165 killed with guns, 65 in Australia, 381 in Germany, and only 7 in Norway. These numbers are from 2001, two years after the shooting scene at Colimbine high school in 1991.
Michael Moore, is also the main character in the movie, and he is interwieving people about guns. He takes two students that survived the shooting at Columbine, to the factory where they make the bullets they were shot with, the 20.april. They make the produsers quit the sale of the bullets, and they make a deal, that they will stop the sale in the stores after 90 days. Michael tells us about the little girl who was killes in his home city, by her clasmate, and he was only six years old. He had found a gun in his uncles house, and brougt it to school and shot the little girl. In the movie Michel is trying to find out why so many people have guns at their home, and if this it relly the safest thing.
The movie was very good, and it is a serious issue. Bowling for Columbine really gave impression, and it made me think how serious it is, and how many in America that is actually killed by guns per year.